The Sons of Perdition is an excellent installment from Alex Lindsey, an author who I've become a bit familiar with as I finished reading his book the Man of Lawlessness last year. I actually liked 'Sons' a bit more, though both receive my recommendation.
The Sons Of Perdition is based upon the foundational story of the Bible, but Alex instills some of his creativity as the story takes some major turns. A half-angel, half-human child named Kia is left behind after God destroys humanity. Kia would become symbolic to the story of Adam and Eve in that her presence and decisions end up determining the fate of the world, thousands of years into the future.
I was intrigued, and even fearful at times at the dark aspects of this book. In the same way that the Bible has very dark scenarios and situations, The Sons Of Perdition felt the same way at times when discovering what lies at the root of the evil power.
Fascinating book. Highly recommended.